The Auth module assists setting up user login and logout.

# Setup

See the Auth Setup section for an example of how to setup the Auth Plugin.

# Breaking Changes in 2.0

The following breaking changes were made between 1.x and 2.0:

  • The auth method is now called makeAuthPlugin.

# Configuration

You can provide a userService in the auth plugin's options to automatically populate the user upon successful login.

# State

It includes the following state by default:

  accessToken: undefined, // The JWT
  payload: undefined, // The JWT payload

  userService: null, // Specify the userService to automatically populate the user upon login.
  entityIdField: 'userId', // The property in the payload storing the user id
  responseEntityField: 'user', // The property in the payload storing the user
  user: null, // Deprecated: This is no longer reactive, so use the `user` getter. See below.

  isAuthenticatePending: false,
  isLogoutPending: false,

  errorOnAuthenticate: undefined,
  errorOnLogout: undefined

# Getters

Two getters are available when a userService is provided to the makeAuthPlugin options.

  • user: returns the reactive, logged-in user from the userService specified in the options. Returns null if not logged in.
  • isAuthenticated: a easy to remember boolean attribute for if the user is logged in.

# Actions

The following actions are included in the auth module. Login is accomplished through the authenticate action. For logout, use the logout action. It's important to note that the records that were loaded for a user are NOT automatically cleared upon logout. Because the business logic requirements for that feature would vary from app to app, it can't be baked into Feathers-Vuex. It must be manually implemented. The recommended solution is to simply refresh the browser, which clears the data from memory.

  • authenticate: use instead of feathersClient.authenticate()
  • logout: use instead of feathersClient.logout()

If you provided a userService and have correctly configured your entityIdField and responseEntityField (the defaults work with Feathers V4 out of the box), the user state will be updated with the logged-in user. The record will also be reactive, which means when the user record updates (in the users service) the auth user will automatically update, as well.

Note: The Vuex auth store will not update if you use the feathers client version of the above methods.

# Example

Here's a short example that implements the authenticate and logout actions.

export default {
  // ...
  methods: {

    login() {
      this.$store.dispatch('auth/authenticate', {
        email: '...',
        password: '...'

    // ...

    logout() {

  // ...

Note that if you customize the auth plugin's namespace then the auth/ prefix in the above example would change to the provided namespace.